Sales + Training

Ask MatchCraft: How Can I Improve My Quality Score?

Ask MatchCraft: How Can I Improve My Quality Score?

If you’re a digital marketing geek, you’ll nod in agreement when we say that part of the fun in what we do is the never-ending opportunity for optimization. Website mechanics and under-the-hood tinkering allow for constant improvement—that’s part of the fun! Quality...

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Boost Conversions by Localizing Your Marketing

Boost Conversions by Localizing Your Marketing

We’re living in a hyper-global, hyper-local world. Ironic, no? Here’s what we mean: While our marketing reach extends beyond borders, and across many digital mediums around the world, consumers are more focused on what’s happening in their own communities. They care...

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5 Google Analytics Features You Should Be Using

5 Google Analytics Features You Should Be Using

Google Analytics is jam-packed with features that give you an instant status on your website’s health, mishaps and opportunities. The only problem? Most marketers don’t have some of the best features of Google Analytics enabled—leaving opportunity for optimization on...

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Best Practices for the Perfect Landing Page

Best Practices for the Perfect Landing Page

Whether its purpose is lead generation or to serve click-through traffic, the design and composition of a landing page will determine the conversion rate and the overall success of the advertising campaign. Even small changes can produce significant results: Mozilla...

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